Source code for

Devloped By : Nishant Baheti

A lot of things need to be added here. Will surely do.

from typing import Iterable, List, TypeVar
from abc import ABC,abstractmethod
import matplotlib.pyplot
import matplotlib.animation
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import logging 
from graphpkg import __version__

__author__ = "Nishant Baheti"
__copyright__ = "Nishant Baheti"
__license__ = "MIT"

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

T = TypeVar('T')
A = TypeVar('A',int,float,list)

class Graph(ABC):
    """Graph Meta Class

        fig (matplotlib.pyplot.figure): Matplotlib figure
        fig_spec (tuple): figure specification
        xlabel (str): x-axis label
        ylabel (str): y-axis label
        label (str): label
        title (str): Graph title

    def __init__(
        fig: matplotlib.pyplot.figure,
        fig_spec: tuple, 
        xlabel: str, 
        ylabel: str , 
        label: str, 
        title: str):
        self.xlabel = str(xlabel)
        self.ylabel = str(ylabel)
        self.label = str(label)
        self.title = str(title)
        self.fig = fig or matplotlib.pyplot.figure()
        self.fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(self.title) = self.fig.add_subplot(*fig_spec)

    def start(self):
    def display(self):

[docs]class LiveTrend(Graph): """Live Trend Graph Module Args: func_for_data (callable): Function to return x and y data points.x is a single value and y can be a list of max length 3 or a single value. Example: >>> def get_new_data(): >>> return,10 >>> def get_new_data(): >>> return None,10 >>> def get_new_data(): >>> ## first param for x axis and second can be an array of values >>> return,[10,11] >>> def func1(*args): >>> return,random.randrange(1, args[0]) func_args (Iterable, optional): data function arguments. Defaults to None. fig (matplotlib.pyplot.figure, optional): .Matplotlib figure. Defaults to None. fig_spec (tuple, optional): [description]. Matplotlib figure specification. Defaults to (1,2,(1,2)). interval (int): Interval to refresh data in milliseconds. xlabel (str, optional): Label for x-axis. Defaults to "x-axis". ylabel (str, optional): Label for y-axis. Defaults to "y-axis". label (str, optional): Label for plot line. Defaults to "Current Data". title (str, optional): Title of trend chart. Defaults to "Live Trend". window (int, optional): Data point window. Defaults to 50. Examples: >>> trend = LiveTrend(func_for_data = get_new_data, interval=1000) >>> trend.start() >>> >>> trend = LiveTrend(func_for_data = get_new_data, interval=1000, window=30) >>> trend.start() >>> >>> trend = LiveTrend(func_for_data = get_new_data, interval=1000, title="my test data") >>> trend.start() >>> """ def __init__( self, interval: int, func_for_data: callable, func_args: Iterable = None, fig: matplotlib.pyplot.figure = None, fig_spec: tuple = (1,2,(1,2)), xlabel: str = "x-axis", ylabel: str = "y-axis", label: str = "Current Data", title: str = "Live Trend", window: int = 50) -> None: """[summary] """ super().__init__( fig = fig, fig_spec = fig_spec, xlabel = str(xlabel), ylabel = str(ylabel), label = str(label), title = str(title)) self.func_for_data = func_for_data self.func_args = func_args self.interval = int(interval) self.window = int(window) self._max_line_plots = 3 self._xs = [] self._ys = [[] for i in range(self._max_line_plots)] self.ani = None self.counter = 0 @property def xs(self)-> List[A]: """x-axis data list Returns: List[A]: x-axis list """ return self._xs @property def ys(self)->List[A]: """y-axis data list Returns: List[A]: y-axis list of lists """ return self._ys def _plot_single_line(self) -> None: """Plot single line in trend chart """, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel), self._ys[0], marker = "o", markersize= 0.75, linewidth = 0.6, label=self.label)'grey', linewidth=0.3, visible=True)"upper left") def _plot_multi_line(self,num_of_plots: int) -> None: """Plot multi line in trend chart Args: num_of_plots (int): Number of plots """, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel) for p_i in range(num_of_plots): self._xs, self._ys[p_i], marker = "o", markersize= 0.75,linewidth = 0.6, label=self.label+"-"+str(p_i+1))'grey', linewidth=0.3, visible=True)"upper left") def _animate(self,i:int) -> None: """Animation method to update chart Args: i (int): counter """ self.counter = i if self.func_args is not None: x_data, y_data = self.func_for_data(*self.func_args) else: x_data, y_data = self.func_for_data() x_data = x_data or self.counter plot_chart = True if len(self._xs) > 0: if self._xs[-1] == x_data: plot_chart = False if plot_chart: if isinstance(y_data, float) or isinstance(y_data, int) or isinstance(y_data, str): self._xs.append(x_data) self._ys[0].append(y_data) self._xs = self._xs[-self.window:] self._ys = self._ys[-self.window:] self._plot_single_line() elif isinstance(y_data,list): self._xs.append(x_data) self._xs = self._xs[-self.window:] num_of_plots = self._max_line_plots if len( y_data) > self._max_line_plots else len(y_data) for i in range(num_of_plots): self._ys[i].append(y_data[i]) self._ys[i] = self._ys[i][-self.window:] self._plot_multi_line(num_of_plots) else: raise ValueError("y-axis datatype is not accepted.") else: pass
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """Initiate the trend chart """ self.ani = matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation( self.fig, self._animate, interval=self.interval )
[docs] def display(self) -> None: """display information """ print(f""" ===================================================== Configuration Information ===================================================== func_for_data : {self.func_for_data} interval : {self.interval} xlabel : {self.xlabel} ylabel : {self.ylabel} label : {self.label} title : {self.title} window : {self.window} """)
[docs]class LiveScatter(Graph): """Live Scatter Graph Module Args: func_for_data (callable): Function to return x and y data point.x is a single value and y can be a list of max length 3 or a single value. both of them shouldn't be None. Example: >>> def get_new_data(): >>> return 10,10 >>> def get_new_data(): >>> ## first param for x axis and second can be an array of values >>> return 10,[10,11] >>> def func1(*args): >>> return random.randrange(1, args[0]),random.randrange(1, args[0]) func_args (Iterable, optional): data function arguments. Defaults to None. fig (matplotlib.pyplot.figure, optional): .Matplotlib figure. Defaults to None. fig_spec (tuple, optional): [description]. Matplotlib figure specification. Defaults to (1,1,1). interval (int): Interval to refresh data in milliseconds. xlabel (str, optional): Label for x-axis. Defaults to "x-axis". ylabel (str, optional): Label for y-axis. Defaults to "y-axis". label (str, optional): Label for plot line. Defaults to "Current Data". title (str, optional): Title of Scatter chart. Defaults to "Live Scatter". window (int, optional): Data point window. Defaults to 500. Examples: >>> scatter = LiveScatter(func_for_data = get_new_data, interval=1000) >>> scatter.start() >>> >>> scatter = LiveScatter(func_for_data = get_new_data, interval=1000, window=30) >>> scatter.start() >>> >>> scatter = LiveScatter(func_for_data = get_new_data,func_args=(1000,), interval=1000, title="my test data") >>> scatter.start() >>> """ def __init__( self, interval: int, func_for_data: callable, func_args: Iterable = None, fig: matplotlib.pyplot.figure = None, fig_spec: tuple = (1, 1, 1), xlabel: str = "x-axis", ylabel: str = "y-axis", label: str = "Current Data", title: str = "Live Scatter", window: int = 500) -> None: """[summary] """ super().__init__( fig = fig, fig_spec = fig_spec, xlabel = str(xlabel), ylabel = str(ylabel), label = str(label), title = str(title)) self.func_for_data = func_for_data self.func_args = func_args self.interval = int(interval) self.window = int(window) self._max_scatter_plots = 3 self._xs = [] self._ys = [[] for i in range(self._max_scatter_plots)] self.ani = None self.counter = 0 @property def xs(self)-> List[A]: """x-axis data list Returns: List[A]: x-axis list """ return self._xs @property def ys(self)->List[A]: """y-axis data list Returns: List[A]: y-axis list of lists """ return self._ys def _plot_single_scatter(self) -> None: """Plot single scatter chart """, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel), self._ys[0], s=[10], alpha= 0.6, label=self.label)'grey', linewidth=0.3, visible=True)"upper left") def _plot_multi_scatter(self,num_of_plots: int) -> None: """Plot multi scatter chart Args: num_of_plots (int): Number of plots """, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel) for p_i in range(num_of_plots): self._xs, self._ys[p_i], s=[10], alpha= 0.6, label=self.label+"-"+str(p_i+1))'grey', linewidth=0.3, visible=True)"upper left") def _animate(self,i:int) -> None: """Animation method to update chart Args: i (int): counter """ self.counter = i if self.func_args is not None: x_data, y_data = self.func_for_data(*self.func_args) else: x_data, y_data = self.func_for_data() if None not in [x_data,y_data]: if isinstance(y_data, float) or isinstance(y_data, int) or isinstance(y_data, str): self._xs.append(x_data) self._ys[0].append(y_data) self._xs = self._xs[-self.window:] self._ys = self._ys[-self.window:] self._plot_single_scatter() elif isinstance(y_data,list): self._xs.append(x_data) self._xs = self._xs[-self.window:] num_of_plots = self._max_scatter_plots if len( y_data) > self._max_scatter_plots else len(y_data) for i in range(num_of_plots): self._ys[i].append(y_data[i]) self._ys[i] = self._ys[i][-self.window:] self._plot_multi_scatter(num_of_plots) else: raise ValueError("y-axis datatype is not accepted.")
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """Initiate the scatter chart """ self.ani = matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation( self.fig, self._animate, interval=self.interval )
[docs] def display(self) -> None: """display information """ print(f""" ===================================================== Configuration Information ===================================================== func_for_data : {self.func_for_data} interval : {self.interval} xlabel : {self.xlabel} ylabel : {self.ylabel} label : {self.label} title : {self.title} window : {self.window} """)
[docs]class LiveDistribution(Graph): """Live Distribution Graph Module Args: func_for_data (callable): Function to return x and y data point.x is a single value and y can be a list of max length 3 or a single value. both of them shouldn't be None. Example: >>> def get_new_data(): >>> return 10,10 >>> def get_new_data(): >>> ## first param for x axis and second can be an array of values >>> return 10,[10,11] >>> def func1(*args): >>> return random.randrange(1, args[0]),random.randrange(1, args[0]) func_args (Iterable, optional): data function arguments. Defaults to None. fig (matplotlib.pyplot.figure, optional): .Matplotlib figure. Defaults to None. fig_spec (tuple, optional): [description]. Matplotlib figure specification. Defaults to (1,1,1). interval (int): Interval to refresh data in milliseconds. xlabel (str, optional): Label for x-axis. Defaults to "x-axis". ylabel (str, optional): Label for y-axis. Defaults to "y-axis". label (str, optional): Label for plot line. Defaults to "Current Data". title (str, optional): Title of Scatter chart. Defaults to "Live Scatter". window (int, optional): Data point window. Defaults to 500. Examples: >>> def func1(): return None, random.randrange(1,100) >>> g1 = LiveDistribution(func_for_data=func1,interval=1000,title="plot 1 for range 1-100") >>> g1.start() >>> """ def __init__( self, interval: int, func_for_data: callable, func_args: Iterable = None, fig: matplotlib.pyplot.figure = None, fig_spec: tuple = (1, 1, 1), xlabel: str = "x-axis", ylabel: str = "y-axis", label: str = "Current Data", title: str = "Live Scatter", window: int = 2000) -> None: """[summary] """ super().__init__( fig = fig, fig_spec = fig_spec, xlabel = str(xlabel), ylabel = str(ylabel), label = str(label), title = str(title)) self.func_for_data = func_for_data self.func_args = func_args self.interval = int(interval) self.window = int(window) self._max_plots = 3 self._xs = [] self._ys = [[] for i in range(self._max_plots)] self.ani = None self.counter = 0 @property def xs(self)-> List[A]: """x-axis data list Returns: List[A]: x-axis list """ return self._xs @property def ys(self)->List[A]: """y-axis data list Returns: List[A]: y-axis list of lists """ return self._ys def _plot_single(self) -> None: """Plot single distribution chart """, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel) x = np.array(self._ys[0]) if x.shape[0] > 1: kernel = stats.gaussian_kde(x) count, bins, ignored = x=x, alpha=0.5, bins=30, density=True), kernel(bins), label=self.label)'grey', linewidth=0.3, visible=True)"upper left") def _plot_multi(self, num_of_plots: int) -> None: """Plot multi distribution chart Args: num_of_plots (int): Number of plots """, xlabel=self.xlabel, ylabel=self.ylabel) for p_i in range(num_of_plots): x = np.array(self._ys[p_i]) if x.shape[0] > 1: kernel = stats.gaussian_kde(x) count, bins, ignored = x=x, alpha=0.5, bins=30, density=True), kernel(bins), label=self.label+"-"+str(p_i))'grey', linewidth=0.3, visible=True)"upper left") def _animate(self, i: int) -> None: """Animation method to update chart Args: i (int): counter """ self.counter = i if self.func_args is not None: x_data, y_data = self.func_for_data(*self.func_args) else: x_data, y_data = self.func_for_data() if y_data is not None: if isinstance(y_data, float) or isinstance(y_data, int): self._xs.append(x_data) self._ys[0].append(y_data) self._xs = self._xs[-self.window:] self._ys = self._ys[-self.window:] self._plot_single() elif isinstance(y_data, list): self._xs.append(x_data) self._xs = self._xs[-self.window:] num_of_plots = self._max_plots if len( y_data) > self._max_plots else len(y_data) for i in range(num_of_plots): self._ys[i].append(y_data[i]) self._ys[i] = self._ys[i][-self.window:] self._plot_multi(num_of_plots) else: raise ValueError("y-axis datatype is not accepted.")
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """Initiate the scatter chart """ self.ani = matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation( self.fig, self._animate, interval=self.interval )
[docs] def display(self) -> None: """display information """ print(f""" ===================================================== Configuration Information ===================================================== func_for_data : {self.func_for_data} interval : {self.interval} xlabel : {self.xlabel} ylabel : {self.ylabel} label : {self.label} title : {self.title} window : {self.window} """)